Integrated Investment - The Future of Private Equity

I want to break up the exclusive gentlemen’s club of investment; my goal is to give the everyday investor more opportunities to make money.

Democratising Investments

What does integrated investment entail, and how can it help investors drive their own financial narrative? BGII uses integrated investment as a way to democratise investment; we employ forward-thinking, technology-focused, and data-driven practices to give investors an edge and make investing accessible to all.

By focusing on the future, BGII and its capital raising division, BGII Capital, bring power into everyday investors’ hands and give them the control they want for their own financial goals.

This is accomplished in a few different ways:

A Focus on Investors

BGII’s emphasis on technology also means that the company is willing to take risks to put their investors first. BGII Capital invests in promising companies with potential to grow, allowing investors to be a part of a company’s early improvements.

BGII also focuses on ‘everyday’ investors, moving away from a restrictive model of investing that only prioritises Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) individuals. This business approach allows investors more accessible opportunities within the world of private equity. Rather than operating with a limited view, BGII combines innovative methods of research to create a well-rounded financial strategy.

Technology Investment

BGII aims to revolutionise a new way of thinking when it comes to private equity. BGII and BGII Capital emphasise the role of technology in investments; while the tech sector has historically been associated with more risk, BGII takes a forward-thinking approach.

Technology companies offer the potential for high return on investment numbers and represent an open-minded and progressive approach in the investing world.

Sustainability & Equality

We only have one world, so let’s take care of it. Part of BGII’s business model is promoting investments that look to sustainability and environmental awareness. Analysts scrutinise the sustainable practices and environmental footprints of potential companies to present investors with a clear picture of integrity.

Corporate trust doesn’t just stop at environmental awareness. BGII is committed to social responsibility so that investors know where they’re putting their wealth. Projects associated with BGII are evaluated for their ethical means; companies supporting racial and gender equality and advocating for a diverse wave of voices are championed. Transparency is a company pillar at BGII, meaning that consultants are committed to having open and honest conversations about ethical investments with clients, no matter what. Building mutual trust enables BGII to look out for investors’ best interests while contributing to a healthy and sustainable community.

Integrated Investment - The Future of Private Equity

Our integrated investing process uses wide-ranging practices to accomplish an easily attainable financial strategy for everyone, not just billionaires.

BGII’s vision for democratised investments is driven by people, for people.